January Events

National Glaucoma Awareness Month More than two million Americans aged 40 and older suffer from glaucoma.  Organizations are encouraged to educate the community through screenings, forums and programs. http://www.preventglindness.org January 11th National Human Trafficking Awareness Day National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is observed every year on January 11.  Human Trafficking Awareness Day was implemented to raise awareness among Americans that human trafficking does not just happen in other countries, but in states and communities across the United States – a fact some still struggle to recognize. https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/blog/thinking-about-human-trafficking-awareness-day January 20th Martin Luther King, Jr. Born in Atlanta, GA on January 15, 1929 Martin Luther King, Jr.  was a black civil right leader, minister, advocate of nonviolence and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. This day is designated as an annual legal public holiday observing the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr.

February Events

American Heart Month During this month, the American Heart Association educates Americans about cardiovascular disease. http://www.americanheart.org February 5th National Wear Red Day For all the women you know who have been affected by cardiovascular disease, participate in National Wear Red Day http://www.goredfrowomen.org February 14-20 Random Acts of Kindness Week This week raises awareness about kindness and invites people to give and receive kindness daily. http://www.randomactsofkindness.org February 14th Valentine’s Day St Valentine’s Day celebrates the feast of two Christian martyrs of this name.  One a priest and physician, another the bishop of Terni   Another Valentine, the bishop of Terni, is said to have been beaten and beheaded in Rome, Italy, 269 AD.  It is also National Donor Day, celebrated on the day of love and organ donation is the gift of life. http://www.organdonor.gov February 15th Presidents’ Day Observes the birthdays of George Washington (Feb. 22) and Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12).  A Monday Holiday Law is a day to honor all former presidents of the US.      

March Events

American Red Cross Month Since 1943 March has been by Presidential Proclamation Red Cross Month to make the public aware of American Red Cross service in the community. http://www.redcrossblood.org Social Work Month First commissioned by President Ronald Reagan, we spend this month celebrating the accomplishments of social workers and the services they provide to vulnerable populations http://www.naswdc.org March 8th Day Lights Saving Remember to Spring Forward and set your clocks ahead one hour. March 16th – 19th Florida Association of Directors of Nursing Annual Convention 33rd Annual Convention of Directors of Nursing in LTC held at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive, Orlando, FL https://www.fadona.org/convention.html March 17th Saint Patrick’s Day Commemorates the patron saint of Ireland, Bishop Patrick who introduced Christianity into Ireland.  A National Holiday in Ireland March 19th Start of Spring In the Northern Hemisphere, spring begins with the vernal equinox.  In the Southern Hemisphere today is the beginning of autumn.  Sun rses due east and sets due west everywhere on Earth and the daylight length is virtually the same everywhere: 12 hours. 8 minutes. March 22nd As Young as You Feel Day Now more than ever you are as young as you feel.  So stop acting your chronological age and get out there and start feeling peppy! http://www.wellcat.com March 27th American Diabetes Association Alert Day A



April Events

Alcohol Awareness Month Since 1987, a month to help raise awareness among community prevention leaders and citizens about the problem of underage drinking.  Concentrates on community grassroots activities. http://www.ncadd.org National Occupational Therapy Month Since 1980, a month to recognize the services and accomplishments of occupational therapy practitioners and promote awareness of the benefits of occupational therapy. http://www.aota.org Pharmacists’ War on Diabetes To educate consumers, patients and healthcare professionals about prevention of diabetes, especially focusing on “Know Your Numbers for Diabetes” and screening along with awareness and interest in the diabetes epidemic. http://www.ppsinc.org April 2nd Fort Lauderdale Corporate Run 22nd Anniversary of Florida’s Largest Office Party were companies and their employees run a 5K race to make health a team goal. April 7th World Health Day A United Nations observance commemorating the establishment of the World Health organization in 1948 http://www.un.org April 9th – 16th Passover The eight-day festival of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan. It commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. It is observed by avoiding leaven and highlighted by the Seder meals that include four cups of wine, eating matza and bitter herbs, and retelling the story of the Exodus. April 12th Easter Sunday Easter is the oldest and most



May Events

Mental Health Month Mental Health Month was created more than 65 years ago by mental Health America to raise awareness about mental health conditions and the importance of mental wellness and promoting good mental health for all.  One in five American adults lives with a diagnosable, treatable mental health condition. http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/may National Stroke Awareness Month A time to educate the nation and spread awareness about stroke prevention, symptom recognition and recovery. http://www.stroke.org Older Americans Month Presidential Proclamation: from 1963 through 1973 this was called Senor Citizens Month.  In 1974 is became Older Americans Month. May 6th – 12th National Nurses Week A week to honor the outstanding efforts of nurses everywhere to strengthen the health of the nation.  It ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. http://www.nursingworld.org May 7th National Day of Prayer Always the first Thursday in May May 10th Mother’s Day Observed first in 1907 at the request of Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, PA, who asked her church to hold a service in memory of all mothers on the anniversary of her mothers death.  The second Sunday in May is celebrated as Mother’s Day. May 10th – 16th National Skilled Nursing Care Week This coming May, participate in NSNCW by sharing the wisdom of those you serve with the theme, Sharing Our Wisdom. Wisdom is a synthesis of



June Events

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month This June is the inaugural Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month – an opportunity to hold a global conversation about the brain, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias. Worldwide, an estimated 44 million people are living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, and everyone who has a brain is at risk. Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month is the perfect opportunity for the public health community to take action on this growing public health crisis. http://act.alz.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=156121.0 Men’s Health Education and Awareness Month A month to keep informed about health concerns for men, and to learn how to prevent heart disease, prostate cancer, COPD, osteoporosis, and other diseases. http://www.ppsinc.org June 14th Alois Alzheimer’s Birthday In 1864 the German psychiatrist and pathologist was born.  In 1907 an article by Alzheimer appeared first describing the disease that was named for him. June 14th -22nd National Nursing Assistants Week Recognizes the unique contributions of nursing assistants and other direct-care workers who provide daily care in nursing homes, home care, hospice, long-term care and the community. http://www.cna-network.org June 20th Start of Summer In the Northern Hemisphere, summer begins with the summer solstice.  In the Southern Hemisphere it is the beginning of winter. June 21st Father’s Day By Presidential Proclamation issued for third Sunday in June in 1966 and annually since. June 22nd Take your Dog to

