Controlled Substances Bill 2018
Controlled Substances Bill Passed by Florida Legislature in 2018, the Controlled Substances Bill establishes prescribing limits, requires continuing education on controlled substance prescribing and expands required use of Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, EFORCSE. New Requirements are effective July 1, 2018 PUBLIC SERVICE VIDEO Board of Pharmacy Chair, Jeenu Philip, provides Pharmacists with an overview of Florida’s Controlled Substance Bill that went into effect on July 1, 2018. The implementation for these requirements are changing daily, until all mandates and concerns are addressed. For updates and more information regarding the legislation, please visit Prescription limits for Acute Pain Prescribing practitioner may prescribe up to a 3-day supply of a Schedule II opioid for acute pain Up to 7-day supply if physician determines: More than 3-day supply is needed based on professional judgment Written indication “acute pain exception” on the prescription, AND Justification for deviating from 3-day limit is documented in patient’s medical record As defined on Florida Take Control website, “Acute pain” is the normal, predicted, physiological, and time-limited response to an adverse chemical, thermal, or mechanical stimulus associated with surgery, trauma, or acute illness. It does not include pain related to cancer, terminal conditions, pain treated with palliative care, or traumatic injuries with an Injury Severity Score of 9 or greater Prescriptions for non-acute pain If prescriber writes