Navy Corpsman Recognizes Veterans

Florida Health Care Association Chief Lobbyist and Navy senior chief, Bob Asztalos has been visiting nursing centers throughout the state of Florida to present them with medals honoring their service.  The Florida Veterans Foundation has participated in these very special recognitions that honors the service of those who have served our country.   For the oldest vets, who may have served in World War II, the nursing centers are now their home.  Each veteran is honored in a ceremony and presented with a medal for their service. The program began when Florida Health Care noticed the World War II vets were dwindling at their annual Veterans Day breakfast.  “We felt like we needed to recognize those veterans before they are all gone,” Asztalos explained, “but we also discovered Vietnam veterans who have so much conflicting emotions over their service.”  One Vietnam veteran cried in gratitude and said it was the first time a person ever thanked him for his service. For more information on how you can honor your veterans complete the form below.